Death Troopers is a novel set in the Star Wars universe that takes place during the Rise of the Empire era.
Plot: The Prison Barge
Purge suddenly stops somewhere in the unknown regions of outer space. Of in the distance, a derelict Star Destroyer looms. A boarding party from the prison barge goes aboard to investigate, and scavenge for the necessary parts needed to continue their prisoner transport. Instead, half the boarding comes back with something more deadly...
Review: In this book where
Resident Evil meets
Star Wars, the horrifying action is non-stop, right up to the bitter end! Truly a unique novel that stands out in the Star Wars universe. Great suspense, gruesome horror, and everyone's favorite couple of smugglers to sort it all out. The only warning to give is to make sure you have at least 3 hours set aside before reading this book because once you start reading, the short chapters and gripping story flow will make Death Troopers impossible to put down until the story's end.
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