Han Solo and the Lost Legacy is a novel set in the Star Wars universe that takes place during the Rise of the Empire era, and is the third of three books in The Han Solo Adventures trilogy.
Plot: While vacationing on the planet Rudrig in the Tion Hegemony, Han Solo and Chewbacca are run into Badure, an old friend, and his female companion Hasti. Badure has a tip on the whereabouts of the fabled Queen of Ranroon, the treasure ship of Xim the Despot, which has been lost for centuries.
Han and Chewbacca decide to accompany Badure on his search, mostly out of repayment of a life debt Chewbacca owes Badure. Accompanying them on their quest are Skynx, an alien historian from the planet Ruuria, and Han's droid companions, Bollux and Blue Max.
Review: The great thing about this novel is the inclusion of a little history of Han Solo. In this novel we find out why Han was called "Slick" while in the Imperial Academy. Other than that, the novel starts off slow, but picks up pretty fast. The only disappointment I encountered was how Bollux and Blue Max Depart Han's life. Very Anticlimactic.
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